It’s an exciting time when you know that a new puppy is on the way! You’ll want to prepare your home in advance, and pick up a few things that you’ll need:

Dog food – We’ll talk in advance about what type of food your puppy is eating, so you can be prepared with your pup’s food on hand.

Two dishes, one for food and one for water

Dog crate – Crates come in a variety of types including wire, plastic and cloth. Puppies will do better in a wire or plastic crate until they are fully potty trained.

Dog gates or a play yard – You’ll need somewhat to keep your puppy confined, especially while he or she is getting used to her new environment.

Collar/Harness, Leash and ID Tag – Expect to purchase several different sizes of collars/harnesses as your new pup grows, but a tiny puppy-sized will be needed to start.

An assortment of soft chew toys – Puppies love to play and smaller, softer toys are perfect for brand new pups. Like children, expect to purchase larger, more sturdy toys as your pup grows older and begins to play (and chew!) harder.

Carpet cleaner – The occasional accident is unavoidable, so you might as well be prepared. Especially while young puppies are developing bladder control and learning where, when and how they need to go, be prepared to clean up a few messes. This will gradually diminish as you are able to housetrain your pup, but even the best of grown adults will have an accident every now and then, due to extenuating circumstances.

When the big day is finally here, we’ll schedule a time for you to pick up you new pup! We suggest that you bring a few items with you for the car ride home, including a small crate that has been outfitted with a warm snuggly blanket.